2017 Bodyshop of the year winner

We are pleased to announce that Bentley Emirates has been announced as the winners of 2017 Bentley Bodyshop of the Year along with 3 more dealers around the globe.

We spoke with Bodyshop Manager, Aurangzeb Mohammad Ashraf about his background in the industry and what drives their bodyshop...

Originally, I am a qualified and certified panel beater, a skill I learned working with my father in his garrage in Pakistan. After working for several years at my father's garage and learning repair techniques and work porcesses, I moved to the UAE to work as a panel beater to widen my experience.

What do you enjoy about working with Bentley?

I feel extremely proud to be a part of one of the most luxurious brands in the world. The attention to detail in every aspect of the car i inspiring, we strive to incoporate this into all our repair jobs body shop processes.

How do you ensure your Bentley dealer gets the best service possible from your body shop?

Being an in-house body shop for the dealer greatly helps in having a strong relationship with other departments. Everyone has a common goal, to deliver the best possible experience to a Bentley customer.

What are the challenges you face as a business in the next 5 years?

With the market becomes increasingly competitive by the day, the biggest challenge would be to reduce cost whilst maintaining or even increasing the quality of service we provide to our customers. This means introducing new processes and techniques and refining the existing ones to increases the efficiency of the work we do, to maximize our profits.

What processes do you have in place to ensure you employ the best technicians with the right attitude?

At the Dubai body shop go through a number steps. These steps involve short listing candidates based on their previous experience, calling in short listed candidates for interviews to find out more about themselves and their goals and ambitions. Once the candidates have gone through this the final step is for them to perform a hands-on demonstration of their skills in their respective fields.

If you could (or do) own any Bentley which would it be and why?

Without a doubt it would have to be the new Bentayga because of its unmatched performance and luxury all combined into an exquisite package.